At Mayo Bridge meeting, citizens call for two-lane design, protected bike lanes A VDOT official says the two biggest asks among attendees at a public meeting on the future of the Mayo Bridge were a two-lane bridge and a protected bike lane.
Council committee advances proposal for four-way stop signs on Cutshaw Avenue The proposal moved forward despite objections from the Department of Public Works, which does not believe the signs are the best way to deal with traffic concerns in the area.
Avula overtakes Roday for fundraising lead as both mayoral candidates near $1 million While Avula and Roday have both amassed considerable funds, Roday has spent about half of his, while Avula entered September with $657,126 in the bank.
Source: Work environment complaint preceded council chief of staff's exit The Richmond City Council decided to part ways with its chief of staff Monday after she served 18 months in the job, according to multiple City Hall sources.
As home values rise again, Trammell proposes lowering Richmond’s property tax rate In fiscal year 2020, the city collected about $300 million in real estate taxes. For fiscal year 2025, that number is projected to hit nearly $461 million.
Speed cameras at two Richmond schools have produced over 14,000 citations since November "These cameras are not operating the entirety of the school day. So imagine what people are doing outside of those times.”
Richmond preparing to pass new rules on vape shops Using power granted under a new state law, Richmond officials will take up a vape shop ordinance later this fall.