RPS puts chief talent officer on leave while it investigates complaints

Richmond Public Schools has placed its chief talent officer on administrative leave while the division investigates roughly a dozen complaints from employees that she created a “hostile” work environment, discriminated against workers of color and violated policies and laws.
In an email last week to the RPS Talent Office, Superintendent Jason Kamras said an “independent third party” would conduct an investigation of the allegations against Chief Talent Officer Maggie Clemmons.
“Please understand that these steps are intended to protect the integrity of the process, and do not in any way suggest any determination about the pending allegations,” Kamras wrote.
He also told employees that they could contact him directly with questions but cautioned that he was “extremely limited in what I can say given that this is a personnel matter.”
RPS spokesperson Alyssa Schwenk confirmed Clemmons was on leave but said she could not comment on personnel issues beyond that.
The complaints against Clemmons, who is the school division’s top human resources official, were publicized last week when over 18 employees signed a letter to Kamras outlining concerns with the work environment in the RPS Talent and Finance departments. Numerous staff members also aired their grievances to the School Board at its Feb. 4 meeting.
While the Finance Department falls under the supervision of the RPS chief of staff, Shareyna Chang, Clemmons oversees the Talent Office, which handles human resources, labor relations and all aspects of employment and benefits.
Kamras’ letter said that Chang will oversee the Talent Office while Clemmons is out on leave.
Contact reporter Sarah Vogelsong at svogelsong@richmonder.org.