School Board says city is falling short in maintaining school grounds “Our young people deserve better and we have to demand better.”
At last School Board meeting of the year, five of nine members say farewell “A lot of institutional knowledge is sitting at this table. A lot of institutional knowledge is moving onwards.”
As Trump promises deportations, Richmond police chief says immigrants will ‘have no issues’ with local cops "Folks who have concerns about their immigration status will have no issues with the Richmond Police Department."
Richmond Electoral Board will meet Wednesday with top election official’s job in limbo “‘I had the equivalent of a teenager with a credit card.”
Arctic blast holds in Richmond for a few more days This does not mean the rest of winter will be so cold, as there are already signs of this weather pattern giving way before the first of next week.
Dec. 2 Newsletter: RPS needs $43.7 million for immediate facility repairs A holiday album featuring Richmond musicians, an effort to get more middle school students studying civics, and an update on Sub Rosa's closing due to fire damage.
Richmond schools need $43.7 million in immediate repairs, find reports on building conditions Bureau Veritas, a global consulting firm, has conducted similar facilities reviews for school systems around the country.