Frequently Asked Q's
What is The Richmonder?
The Richmonder is a nonprofit news organization focusing on local news that matters to residents of the community, without bias.
We specialize in accountability journalism, keeping citizens informed on what their elected officials are doing and how their tax dollars are being spent. We believe in being in the rooms where decisions are made.
We also believe in telling stories that reflect the best of our community, and introducing you to people who make a difference in Richmond.
We distribute our news digitally, through a website and email newsletter. While our news is always free, professional reporting is costly. We ask readers to contribute to our mission.
What makes The Richmonder different from existing news outlets?
Richmond’s major news outlets are almost entirely owned by for-profit, out-of-state companies. They have an eye on the bottom line, not on the community. As a local nonprofit, we can remain focused on what matters - delivering you timely, accurate and insightful information.
Does The Richmonder have a political lean or party affiliation?
No. We believe local news is fundamentally nonpartisan. Our reporters will dig for stories and present what they find in a straightforward way.
What is your mission statement?
Our mission is to bring Richmond together through storytelling that spotlights the best of our community, while keeping a watchful eye on those in power.
Why is The Richmonder a nonprofit?
The advertising-based business model of journalism is failing. It can no longer support even basic reporting about our institutions. We are following the nonprofit model that has been successful in other communities around the nation. Our funding will come from donations from major donors, sponsorships and noncommercial underwriting and voluntary donations from our readers. We will keep a close eye on the bottom line to ensure our model is sustainable.
We plan to staff Richmond City Council and School Board meetings with professional journalists every time they meet, something that isn’t currently done. We believe the presence of a journalist in those rooms fundamentally changes how decisions are made.
Do I have to pay to read The Richmonder?
One of our core beliefs is that everybody in the community deserves access to quality reporting and information. We may offer member benefits to donors, but we will not paywall or hide essential news.
How is The Richmonder funded?
Through your generosity. We have membership options available through our website, and are actively soliciting anchor donors who will help us ensure quality coverage that brings the city together. If that might be you, contact Business Manager David Poole at
Are donations tax-deductible?
Yes! We are authorized as a 501(c)(3) organization through the IRS. To learn more or make a donation, contact Beth Weisbrod at
You can also make a one-time donation through our online portal.
Can donors dictate news coverage?
Never. The Richmonder follows best practices set by the Institute for Nonprofit News. All donors above $5,000 will be disclosed in stories whenever those companies or individuals are mentioned. Anonymous donations are never permitted.
Who is behind The Richmonder?
Founding editor Michael Phillips has 17 years of journalism experience in Richmond. He has assembled a team of respected, fair-minded, and experienced professional journalists. As a nonprofit, we have a Board of Directors that will provide oversight.
Will The Richmonder publish commentary or opinion pieces?
In the lead-up to November’s elections, the Richmonder will not carry opinion pieces. If we add them later, they will always be clearly labeled as such. We will never endorse political candidates.
What neighborhoods will The Richmonder cover?
At launch, our team will focus on the City of Richmond, particularly the upcoming November elections for mayor, City Council and School Board. As funding allows, we will expand coverage to the entire metro Richmond area, with a focus on local news, not state or national events. If you’re interested in bringing The Richmonder to your community, contact
Can I work for The Richmonder?
We are seeking qualified full-time and freelance writers, as well as photographers. Send an email to with work samples if you’re interested.
Why is this project important?
The Brookings Institute found that when a city loses its newspaper, it spends on average $650,000 extra in borrowing costs per civic issue.1 The decline of traditional media has left behind an information vacuum that needs to be filled. We believe quality journalism is a civic good.
Who do I contact if I need assistance signing up?
You can always reach us via email at
Is The Richmonder related to the former blog of the same name?
No, the blog published from 2006-2015 is not related to the current site in any way, nor are any of the authors the same.